The Doc and I recently spent an evening with dear friends over a delicious dinner catching up with one another about life stations and the progress of this often crazy and challenging path we have set ourselves on (medical school and becoming a physician). For myself and Eric (the other spouse who is supporting his wife on her journey), we have both found that we struggle with maintaining our own sense of individuality and purpose as we are so often consumed by the role of supporting our spouses in their chosen career path. While we have a deep appreciation for the sciences, Eric and I are both more artistically inclined (he with beautiful words and music) and even beyond the lack of a sense of purpose there comes a notion that we may never be on equal playing field as our spouses due to the fact that it may be near impossible to match their salaries. This seems like such an elementary and self-indulgent struggle, but in a society that values income status and consumerism it is indeed a very real struggle for us. While we all fundamentally agree that our true value and purpose is not found in the size of our paycheck, the reality of that truth has yet to permeate our core beliefs. As I came across this quote from Nelson Mandela, it took that truth and elevated it to the next level. Life is about our passions and our capabilities and using those to bring joy, peace and love to all we come in contact with. That might mean we do it by taking time to talk with sick patients about their best options for healthcare. It might also mean we do it by capturing a moment in time and freezing it forever so that others can feel the emotion of two lovers kissing or a child being born; or feel the awe of the beauty of crashing waves or the mountain tops peeking up into the clouds. It could also mean that joy, peace and love are extended to one's community through words or song - touching a heart with exactly what one needs to hear in order to grow and progress along one's own journey. No matter what YOU are capable of and passionate about, it is important! It is valuable beyond measure! You are valuable. In the words of Mr. Mandela, do not play small and do not settle.
Available as a print, iPhone skin or iPhone case.
Available as a print, iPhone skin or iPhone case.